How to edit in word documents using pen
How to edit in word documents using pen

how to edit in word documents using pen

Step two: Click “Insert” from the tabs and select “Object” again. Step one: Open Word document that you want to use. There’s also an alternative to inserting this file and this method will only insert the file icon which has a link to the file. This method will bring about the first page of the document and insert it where you place the cursor. Step four: Choose the file that you wish to insert and you will find that it will appear on the word file. Step three: Select “PDF” from the pop-up window then click “Ok” Step two: Click the “Insert” from the tabs and select “Object.” This will enable you to insert files. Step one: Open Word document that you wish to use. Let’s take a look at the first option – using MS Word. These three ways can be accomplished easily in just a few steps. Three, the last option is to convert PDF into a Word file. Two, you can also convert your file from PDF into an image file. One, there is the option of using the advanced features of MS Word. Specifically, this is good for those who are unsure how much content should be included in Word document. Embedding the necessary PDF file allows you to showcase documents or provide reference that showcases the document but doesn’t necessarily show too much. Inserting a PDF can be useful for different situations, mostly for the reader’s convenience. Why you need to import your PDF in a Word file?

how to edit in word documents using pen how to edit in word documents using pen

Though this seems a tedious and complicated task, this can easily be done by using the advanced options found in the program. When instances come where PDF documents need to be combined with a Word file, one way to do it is to insert the PDF file in Word.

How to edit in word documents using pen